Unwilling to give up his project, Terab remained at Omdurman for months and the army began to grow disaffected.
He joined Cobra for the adventure and promise of material gain, but soon grew disaffected with Cobra's philosophy.
Remembering yesterdays, the narrator grows disaffected.
Others grew disaffected with celibacy, self-abnegation, and communal ownership of property.
By this time, like Lennon and Starr, Harrison had grown disaffected with Allen Klein and had chosen not to renew the manager's contract.
However, Coopers & Lybrand were able to take advantage of the mergers going on in the industry to attract international affiliates who had grown disaffected with their parent firms.
Ellis had grown increasingly disaffected with the leftward direction of the Labour Party by the beginning of the 1980s.
By the end of the 1960 campaign, Rogers had grown disaffected.
Their leadership had supported Governor White and the proposed reforms at first, but they have grown increasingly disaffected.
At the same time, he grew disaffected by William's Dutch courtiers and wrote, in 1700 The Foreigners.