The song originated in the blackface minstrel shows of the 1850s and quickly grew famous across the United States.
As other nearby mines started to fail, Gold Hill began to grow famous in the mining industry.
He continued to make movies and grow more famous.
For more than a decade they fought and fasted, were arrested and grew famous together.
Stanislovas Rapalionis also quickly grew famous for his lectures.
Mendelssohn grew ever more famous, and counted among his friends many of the great figures of his time.
At age three, he was taken to London where in his teens he grew famous as a bicycle racer.
The relationship went on smoothly as Li Ye grew more and more famous.
Over the next years their musical partnership in theatre, concert, and 'Lieder-abend', grew increasingly famous.
He felt twinges of bitterness, watching his buddies grow famous off books, take editorships, move to major newspapers.