Within the week, the American grew fivefold, from 400 to 2,000.
Since then the number grew fivefold, with more than 500 new patients registered per year as of 2004.
Between 1975 and 1983, Eurodeposits grew fivefold and doubled again by 1986 to about $3,000bn.
Then between 1951 and 1971, Acton's population nearly doubled while Georgetown grew fivefold.
The settlement expanded rapidly in the 1960s, growing fivefold.
Its share of the PC's total price grew fivefold, to 2.5 percent.
Driven by immigration and decreasing mortality the Argentine population grew fivefold and the economy 15-fold.
Revenue at the foreign unit jumped 50 percent, to $214 million, while cash flow grew fivefold, to $18 million.
The organization's budget grew fivefold, its audience tenfold, and three full-time staff positions were created.
But the local economy grew fivefold, and incomes grew in step.