Her laughter is very sweet and warm, though growing hoarse these days.
"Just one," she whispered, her voice growing hoarse with excitement.
After twenty minutes they were starting to grow hoarse when they finally got results.
Toby just kept talking, and if his voice grew a little hoarse at times, well there was a lot of smoke in the air.
His voice was growing hoarse, and he stopped to clear his throat.
"There really isn't much more, Admiral," she said, her voice grown hoarse from talking, or perhaps by design.
"We've put wonderful young men and women at risk, many of whom have lost their lives," he said, his voice growing hoarse.
The mayor, who had a cold, grew hoarse toward the end of the day.
It made me sit up and wonder, even if his voice was growing hoarse by then.
He tried calling for help but gave up as his voice grew hoarse.