Outside, the ball stopped bouncing and the voices grew hushed.
A trampoline was set up to cover the stage and the crowd grew hushed.
The hall grew hushed and fans stilled in the hands of the ladies.
As Morgan shifted to a sitting position, supporting the boy in his lap, the murmuring ceased and the room grew hushed.
"I was amazed by them because they are such clever creatures of the sea," Popov said, his voice growing hushed and respectful.
The windows' glass darkened to the color of charcoal, and the room grew hushed.
The talk around her grew hushed and subdued.
As she spoke, the normally noisy Assembly chamber gradually grew hushed.
He shook it loudly and the room grew hushed.
The hall had grown hushed and expectant as he went on, a murmur of approval whispering among his listeners.