The number of older adults in the world is growing both in absolute and relative terms.
Figures show that the net income of today's pensioners has grown by 47 per cent in real terms since 1999.
The science budget has grown by 24 per cent in real terms since 1978-79.
In 1987, we are faced generally with a global market that is not growing much in economic terms.
As we all know, in the real world, the welfare state has never been bigger and public spending grew under Thatcher in real terms.
While in absolute terms India's middle class has grown, in relative terms it really hasn't.
Earnings grew in absolute terms, but at a rate that fell well behind inflation.
Unemployment had fallen from 8.1% at the start of his term to 4.1% in 2007, and average weekly earnings grew 24.4% in real terms.
The European Union's aim is to grow annually in economic terms.
During this time, the Indian population continued to grow in absolute terms due to natural increase.