The executive, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the relationship between the two men had grown increasingly strained in recent weeks.
But the salamanders recover, with perfect new limbs growing back in weeks.
But they said the move had some risk with undecided voters because Democrats here complained that the campaign has grown too negative in recent weeks.
The sense that TV is becoming more real than life has grown in recent weeks.
The campaign has grown increasingly bitter in recent weeks.
Pressure has been growing in recent weeks for Selig to take the job, one owner said.
The administration has come under growing political pressure in recent weeks to show clear evidence to back those claims.
The list was far too long already and would likely only grow in the coming days, weeks, and months.
If anything, the stance of the insurance interests that have blocked a bill has grown tougher in recent weeks.
If all goes well, her liver will grow whole again in several weeks, as will Michael's half.