Who could ever stand possessed of such a heart as hers, and grow indifferent to the treasure!
He could easily imagine Arnobius at some point growing angry or indifferent and discharging him.
And those sales were made to a public that was growing increasingly indifferent.
He had grown indifferent, almost, in the matter of his slaves.
After a time Athamas grew indifferent to his wife, put her away, and took another.
Lively, for she would never let him grow indifferent or become bored.
For a time they thought she was recovering, then that she had merely grown indifferent.
In any case-she has grown indifferent, kind enough, but glad to have him off her hands.
Despite such warnings, however, the West seems to have grown only more indifferent to Africa's fortunes.
Was it not possible she might be growing indifferent to right and wrong?