"Bv the time he completed his task, the universe had grown too vast and intricate for even Ao to watch over."
Suddenly she was tying off the shield, the knot growing ever more intricate, until Liandrin lost the twists and turns completely.
The Labyrinth grew darker and more intricate as they went downward.
For a short time the comity agreement worked well, until the situation grew more intricate and splits transpired.
The 1960s saw a clear evolution in Franquin's style, which grew more loose and intricate.
The drums beat even faster; the steps of the dance grew more intricate.
As the sun rose, the gems yellowed and grew more intricate.
Shub seemed to grow bigger and more intricate all the time, like a flower endlessly unfolding.
By the time I was eight or nine, my back-seat daydreams grew more intricate.
They have only fed the pressure to stand out, and the path to success grows increasingly intricate.