The island's foliage grew thick and lush inland on the lee side.
The crops grew lush and green on both continents.
It grew lush and beautiful over the place where they had buried the golden dragon's remains.
There was clay here and the grass grew lush and thick.
The world had begun to grow lush and green once more.
Now the land grew rich and lush again as he passed into the upper tropics.
Plants tend to grow big and lush on heavy soils, a feature worth enhancing by going for vigorous species.
The forest around them grew more lush, the ground ferns six feet high, like huge elephant ears, obscuring her view ahead.
Whatever option you choose, the three main things herbs will need to grow lush and flavorful is good light, water and the right nourishment.
He loved the way it flowed up out of a rocky base, growing more lush and more tended as it met the house.