When that grew too monotonous, he dug through the books.
Besides, things grow monotonous by repetition, and this particular happening he had witnessed many times.
Ms. Killian took care to prevent her performance from growing monotonous.
"Which must, if I may say so, sir, grow a trifle monotonous in time."
He wasn't even certain which city this was; the hours of silent driving had grown monotonous.
But the way people of different regions varied these formations kept the program from growing monotonous.
Once there, the place can grow monotonous for those who like to do more in the evening than read and listen to the surf.
But for people other than the model citizen, such a cultural diet soon grows monotonous.
It grew monotonous, but eventually a suspicious voice demanded further identification.
But her changes of tone were so varied that the action never grew monotonous.