Fungus grew profusely in many places, and there were no predatory creatures.
Beyond the mouth of the river the trees grew profusely, hiding the upper reaches from his view.
It grows profusely throughout the country and hence is designated as the national flower of Zimbabwe.
It can grow very quickly in cultivation and flower profusely.
Hypoxia occurs when marine plants grow profusely, fed by nitrogen.
It grows profusely in the wild without any special nourishment and attention.
They grow profusely and are covered with bright pink flowers most of the year in mild climates.
They were watery, fishy, blue eyes, and the hair growing profusely above his low forehead was flaxen in color.
The raw material is the tikog, a grass that grows profusely in swampy places.
A variety of aquatic plants grow profusely around and in the lakes.