In the early 1990s, a debate grew up over neo-liberal policies, such as those advocated by the World Bank.
In the south county, sub-tropical plants can grow, such as royal palm trees.
The farmers grew fresh fruits or vegetables, such as strawberries, peaches, Irish potatoes, or celery.
A tradition grew outward around those elements, such as blues feeling and swing, surviving from one generation to the next.
April - May: The adults fly to fields with small grains growing (such as wheat) and start sucking the saps out of them.
But he says that we should try to eat seasonally (bar fruit and veg which won't grow here, such as bananas) if possible.
The resort grew around the area's natural hot mineral springs, such as the Jefferson Pools.
A few industries did grow, such as chemicals and whisky, which developed a global market for premium "Scotch".
Other tropical fruits can grow here such as the banana.
There rankly tall dark green grass grew, such as that which formed the rings of shelter.