His forces grew to around 6,000 men by June 1861.
Over the next few months the strength of the Army grew to 46,000 men.
The total strength of the army and militias grew to exactly 498,327 men.
By the turn of the century, the mounted unit had grown to 700 men.
By the end of 1951, the organization had grown to around 3,000 men.
Jackson's army grew to 6,000 men, a large number of whom joined along the march south.
At this time the army grew from a strength of 18,000 to roughly 50,000 men.
The incident led to a rising that grew to 5,000 men.
Under his leadership, the small force of ten quickly grew to over 200 men.
Within two years the size of the force had grown to 1,219 men.