The population is expected to grow to more than 9,000 residents by the year 2020.
For example, in 1857 the population was 1900, where by 1957 it had grown to 16,000 residents.
In 1870, the town's population was 176, but the town grew to 444 residents for the 1880 census.
It has grown from a population of 250 in 1900 to more than 1,300 residents today.
In that year alone the population grew to over 1,000 permanent residents.
The population in 1940 was only 628, but the area had grown to nearly 20,000 residents by 1970.
By 1870, the District's population had grown 75% to nearly 132,000 residents.
Within a year the town had grown to over two hundred residents.
At the beginning of 18th Century the population had grown to 500 residents.
By 1892, it had grown to 150 residents and was able to support several general stores.