And before you Western aid agencies, NGOs, etc. realize it China's investments have grown to very significant proportions practically overnight.
Stuck on the-- Yeah, I mean it was just like moss or something grown on everybody's houses overnight.
He brushed his jaw, rough from the stubble that had grown there overnight, across her bare shoulder.
A new wrinkle around the corner of her eye, a gray hair that seemed to have grown overnight, a vaguely weary look from being constantly on the run.
The trunks pass through the center of the fabric structures, as if the trees had grown to full height overnight, lifting sleeping occupants into the air.
The town she was now seeing was like a baby grown overnight into a busy, sprawling giant.
Bacteria are separately grown overnight.
Ten thousand flowers and a hundred trees have grown overnight.
A faint red stubble had grown on his cheeks overnight; she could remember the time he had talked about growing a beard.
Samsung has grown virtually overnight into the world's top producer of dynamic random access memory, or D-RAM, chips.