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The Mahdi's forces had grown spectacularly, and by 1883 British sources placed their size at 200,000, although that is almost certainly an overestimate.
The company has grown spectacularly since their father, Fred, died, in 1967, and the brothers took charge.
Cable television has grown spectacularly in recent years, from a fledgling industry with $2.5 billion in sales in 1980 to nearly $20 billion today.
For example, since 1900, the number of African Christians has grown spectacularly from around 10 million to over 360 million.
Ilha Dourada, the unofficial capital of the Kingdom, had, during the last five years, grown spectacularly.
The company has grown spectacularly, with an enormous flow of profits and a growing reputation for social responsibility.
Despite the global economic slowdown, Russia's gross domestic product has grown spectacularly during his tenure, at an average rate of 6.5 percent annually.
But inequality has also grown spectacularly.
Employment in Spain has grown spectacularly - three million new jobs in the last four years - and jobs have become more stable.
We have grown not spectacularly, but at a steady clip.