R Map Tartarughe sells grown-up clothes that are pleasingly frivolous.
"I don't like grown-up clothes on little boys," she said.
This week, he took over a gleaming white loft and put on a professional show of grown-up clothes in rich fabrics and inventive cuts.
When I'm working on the grown-up clothes, I'll often be thinking about how I can convert them into the children's versions.
They mostly work the streets in Petionville, the richer suburb, little girls in grown-up clothes.
The company went from apparel for young, trend-hungry shoppers to "new concept" stores carrying better quality, grown-up clothes at affordable price points.
For the first time, there was a strain of rebellion against the clock (and against the conventional wisdom that says grown men want grown-up clothes).
Mr. Lagerfeld has succeeded in making grown-up clothes for grown-up women.
They've thrown away their frilly skirts and put on some more grown-up clothes.