At 69, Bobby Short is as frisky and enthusiastic as a teen-ager at his first grown-up party.
Beautiful dresses, and grown-up parties yet to come.
What would a serious, grown-up party be without the pop of corks?
Well, what about a grown-up party?
Little Adele is delighted at the prospect of being part of a grown-up party.
It's my first really-truly grown-up party, Miss Oliver, and I've just lain awake at nights for a week thinking it over.
Children's parties were not always strictly for birthdays or holidays; often they were piggybacked onto grown-up parties.
She was like a kid at her first grown-up party, she was so sure she was in control, part of everything, the big time at last.
"I don't get invited to grown-up parties," says I. "But on the other hand, grown-ups don't pay much attention to sweet little kids like me."
The vatch didn't seem to mind that he didn't know, and best of all, it behaved like a mannerly child at a grown-up party.