They've got to pay attention to investment, growth management and to get the new companies in as the old ones die out.
She believes that the top priorities for the state of Florida are the economy, growth management, and water issues.
This plan has created some criticism from environmentalists, but few consider it a threat to Portland's legacy of urban growth management.
Other close-to-home issues are also bubbling, like growth management and cutting the state's vehicle licensing tax.
Residents of this area may have the only elected regional government in the United States; its primary purpose is growth management.
Over the past two decades, greater Auckland has been subject to a process of growth management facilitated through various strategic and legislative documents.
He has worked aggressively for education reform, growth management, and cable franchise reform, among other issues.
A lack of growth management has led to massive urban sprawl in the area.
This approach to growth management is unique among states.
Other landscape planners have proposed greenways and green belts as a means of urban growth management.