Maternal diet is only one of the many factors that can lead to fetal growth retardation.
Additional physical abnormalities may also be present, including growth retardation, resulting in short stature.
These patients also have vomiting and growth retardation.
Deficiencies of certain hormones may result in growth retardation, poor development, and may be life-threatening without treatment.
"Very low-fat diets can result in growth retardation," he said.
The symptom of prenatal growth retardation is the most common finding and can be moderate to severe.
Multiple fetuses create a crowded womb, which increases the risk of growth retardation.
These may include growth retardation or delayed mental development without any structural malformations.
Introductory observations of D3-deficient mice indicate growth retardation and even some neonatal death.
It is characterized by severe growth retardation and severe to profound mental health issues.