Yet at the same time, the novel becomes a grueling test of the reader's perseverance.
But her and her husband's passion to own beachfront property has been put to a grueling test.
She felt extremely pleased with herself, as though she'd passed a grueling test.
These are the survivors of a grueling test I put them through.
The journey was a grueling test of endurance.
Even though fighting over Ju-ran becomes a grueling test to their friendship, the situation gets worse when they practically get the whole city involved.
The contrast is yet another reason to savor the horses as they plunge into the Derby's grueling test of champions.
Olnnn had them put through a grueling test that he himself had devised.
This in itself was astonishing for no one so young had ever taken the grueling test, which touted death as the price of failure.
For these people, prolonged confinement to a cubicle-size room is a grueling psychological test that many fail.