From the grueling training to battling the rival Mitsuru Hanagata in the Hanshin Tigers, he would have to take out his best pitching magic to step up to the challenge.
Another was about the grueling training of an airborne squadron preparing to celebrate the anniversary of the nation's revolution.
Despite the grueling training, there is always a waiting list to get into the Ranger school, which many young officers see as a necessary testing ground to move up in their military careers.
After finding out that she had a degenerative disk disorder in her back she had to retire from the grueling training and preparation needed to compete in Fitness competitions.
He said his long recuperation, which required multiple operations that healed only last spring, made him appreciate the grueling training necessary to compete in a World Cup race.
Mr. Anderson endured the grueling training to serve in an elite Ranger unit.
The Tan who had come out of the grueling training had a hardness which she secret- ly feared.
This allows them to avoid the grueling training - including survival exercises in mosquito-infested swamps - that new legionnaires go through.
There were always impressionable midshipmen and junior officers serving on the CST, most of whom would move on 'after the grueling training they would receive here.
The mile has come to resemble the brutal pace of the 800 meters and el-Guerrouj better than anyone has perfected the grueling training for speed and endurance.