This latter videotape wasn't aired because of its gruesome nature.
This case achieved notoriety throughout Indonesia due to the gruesome nature of the murders.
The standard King fan will warm up to the gruesome nature of this relationship.
As such realism is presented in the form of working to find and link clues, the game also depicts a gruesome photo-realistic nature.
"This is a difficult conclusion to reach because of the gruesome nature of Cooper's acts," the court said.
Due to the murder's gruesome nature, it achieved significant notoriety at the time.
The gruesome nature of the tasks makes Vivaan think back to his time at college.
His eyes were closed, and his face had grown more relaxed under my fingers, despite the gruesome nature of my story.
The stabbing dispute drove home the gruesome nature of the crime.
But even Hunter is unprepared by the gruesome nature of the killing.