In a short period of time, both Mark, Burt, as well as Claire are gruesomely killed, leaving only Linda, Allen, and Isabel as the survivors.
It was at the station that she learned that her father had died in a death march and that her brother, 16, had been gruesomely killed at Buchenwald.
He sees another soldier, Second Lieutenant Milton, gruesomely killed, his arm blown away.
Soon after, Taktarov goes missing and is gruesomely killed by an unseen foe.
Sunny and Orwell have a fight, with swords and teeth, and Orwell falls into the path of the buzz saw, and is gruesomely killed.
However, they are no match for the T-X's superior capabilities and all are gruesomely killed.
Some horror-movie buffs How to Raise the Emotional Stakes 71 pooh-poohed the film because "nothing really happened"; nobody got gruesomely killed.
In Ultimatum, Strange is gruesomely killed by Dormammu when Ultimate Hulk rampages through his house.
According to Viking accounts, he was eventually tracked, captured and gruesomely killed by Wolf the Quarrelsome with whom he had clashed earlier on the battlefield.