The Eagles say Jaworski is still under contract with the team even though they failed to guarantee his $600,000 salary by a March 1 deadline.
His contract with the Bulls guarantees his $345,000 annual salary.
DID you hear the one about the football player who offered to play injured if his team would guarantee his 2006 salary?
The replacements were guaranteed four weeks' salary at $2,000 a week, a total payout of almost $1 million.
"Of course, with things as shaky as they are now, you'd have to guarantee his salary."
"If I came back for one game I'm guaranteed my salary for the whole year."
As a CFL player with more than six years experience, playing more than eight games would have guaranteed his salary for the remainder of the year.
At many large companies, chief executives have contracts that guarantee their salary and benefits for several years, along with severance pay and postretirement perquisites.
Five pitchers signed contracts that guarantee their salary for four years.
The offer sheet, though, contained a poison pill provision that would have guaranteed his entire salary if he was not the highest-paid lineman on the team.