Correction officials said that Mr. Reyes had complained last week that his guards had sexually assaulted him.
They seized guards, who do not carry firearms inside Federal prisons, assaulted them, took their keys and stole their communication devices.
In Washington D.C., a Federal court found that male guards routinely harassed and sexually assaulted women prisoners.
District Attorney Denis Dillon said that the officer, Alberto Roman, and other guards assaulted an inmate, Robert Semprini, on Feb. 23, 1998, after an argument between the two became physical.
DMX, a rap performer whose real name is EARL SIMMONS, hobbled out of the Erie County jail near Buffalo, saying a guard had assaulted him while inspecting his cell.
Ms. Maathai, the coordinator of the Green Belt Movement, was clubbed when guards hired by developers assaulted the group, according to her office.
In many cases, it went on, guards removed patrons for smoking, sitting in the wrong seat, or carrying liquor, and then assaulted them in vans, hallways, elevators or secluded rooms, the report said.
On her fourth night in jail a guard sexually assaulted her.
Instead, the special guards approached the group and verbally assaulted them in order to provoke them.
Mr. Allaway, who is serving a 10- to 20-year sentence for robbery, assault and grand larceny, contended that on Dec. 3, 1990, guards at Clinton assaulted him.