Even the guard with the Sten gun, at first glance as humorless a mamzeras was ever spawned, chuckled under his breath.
The guards chuckled at that, although the one who'd originally taken Locke's solon didn't seem quite as mirthful as the other two.
Soon the guards were chuckling over the barbarians' obvious delight at the most mundane things.
The guard chuckled, pleased with his grope, and turned to the door.
The guard chuckled in response, but his eyes were busy as he examined the small force of humans.
Though I'd sure like to," he added with such ingenuousness that the older guard chuckled.
Her guards chuckled dutifully, but a glance from her restored their composure.
Both guards chuckled and saluted her.
The guard chuckled, his eyes disappearing in the smile-crinkles.
The guard looked at the thin, snaky cooper-clad whip and chuckled.