But the guard who had attacked him, clad in a less-ornate version of Linneas's armor, slipped behind a boulder.
The Palace of Nineveh was protected by thick walls and a cordon of guards, clad in long tunics over full armor, turbans wrapped around their pointed helmets.
A man appeared behind the guards, clad in crimson and white, carrying a ceremonial staff.
From a far corridor, several guards clad in United Nations blue ran up asking what had happened.
The guard, clad in the lighter weight scout version of the armor, loomed over him.
In the hush that followed, a group of guards clad in chain mail and plate pushed their way through the crowd, escorting a pair of elderly Mardukans.
Terminus is manned by the Vanir, guards clad in ornate radiation armor.
No matter: it's only a guard, heavily clad in overcoat and cap, his breath hanging before him as if it were the tribute the living must pay the dead.
The convention hall was guarded by troopers of the Prem's imperial guard, clad in chain mail from head to foot, with cylindrical barbutes on their heads and halberds in their hands.
Furthermore it had posted guards clad in Fleet Strike gray "combat silks" outside the company offices and was running two-man patrols between the barracks.