When instructors and guards failed to quell the riot, the military was called in.
One guard tried to pick him up and failed, swearing so fast that Eric didn't understand.
Their starting guards tonight failed to score in the first half and were outplayed by Atlanta's backcourt.
Ye-tai guards, for all their arrogant sloppiness, would not have failed to hear those sounds.
A police spokesman said investigators were trying to learn why the guard had failed.
If a guard fails the execution of the trace is aborted.
Engrossed in reading, the guard failed to look up.
Right now, armed guards, metal detectors, and expulsions fail to get to the heart of the problem.
The guards try but fail to defeat their flight.
A lone guard under a light at the far end of the passage failed to look around as he eased off along the deep-carpeted hall.