The guards herded her around a corner into another of the seemingly endless vaulted passages.
The guards came and gently herded us all to the doors; I struggled not to cry, but began to anyway, out of exhaustion and desire.
Perrymeade was still looking toward me as the guards herded me away into the detention center and the doors sealed behind us.
Willie had not spoken since the guards had herded them into the common room for the night.
The guards herded Gerard and the others into the cell block.
More than 200 security officials and guards carefully herded some 60 journalists into a special enclosure within the top-secret compound.
The three guards herded Cranston and Byrd straight toward the edge of the land.
The guards herded every- one out the doors and took up their positions outside as ordered.
The other guards herded the prisoners away from the action, but the women pushed closer, anxious to see what was happening to their comrade.
The guards herded the people into Greenwich and cordoned the town off.