A guard named Corporal Knobloch even offered to help him escape from the prison and "disappear" with him, and plans were made for that end.
Among the key reserves was a guard from City College of New York named William Red Holzman.
One guard named David sometimes brought us outside to stay in the sun, or when it was cold.
A young guard named Thomas Poosch let tourists pose with him the other day as they chopped away at what is left of the wall with hammers and chisels.
Thus disposed, prisoner and guard, they descended the stair on the farther side and were lost to me in the bustling roadways of that place I had not yet named the Accursed Town.
Only the intervention of the Hobbit Peregrin Took, a guard named Beregond, and Gandalf saved Faramir, but Denethor immolated himself before they could stop him.
At least the guard had named her.
In time, the guard named Pitlick rides up and suggests they trade places.
Because the pirate named it after two guards who were trying to kill him.
He would have a budget, a royal guard and the right to name the province.