This time the guard obeyed, and Matthew didn't resist.
The guard will obey, execute, and enforce all special orders pertaining to his post.
The guards reluctantly obeyed, closing the heavy door behind them.
"Leave us," snapped the Lion, not waiting to see whether the guards obeyed.
I suspect that even my guards would obey you.
If I should be struck down or some accident make me helpless, it is well that the guards would obey you.
The king's guard did not obey, but instead moved into a defensive stance between myself and the leather tent flap.
And the other guards on watch obeyed his orders to keep the doors open, even though they must have known how dangerous it was.
Zimbardo found similar results as the guards in the study obeyed orders so much that their behavior turned aggressive.
The guards had obeyed the commander's order to hurt any captives only too well.