A female guard whispered to him, and a second guard patted Williams' shoulder as if to comfort him.
The guards only patted one bag, tagged her two cabin bags in blue and sent the others along.
The door to the corridor was quickly closed, and one guard patted the butler down in a careful search while another stood by, weapon at the ready.
The guard patted and stroked her back.
Though the guards had patted him down, the packet of lichen powder was so thin they had not felt it.
Llyselle's mount whuffed, and the guard patted its neck.
Trevor had no briefcase to inspect, so the guard patted his pockets and stepped outside.
The guard laughed sympathetically and patted Skan on the shoulder.
Unsmiling guards patted him with intimacy few women would have dared use.
The guard pats him on the head and tells him he's a clever little Yankee.