The guards hadn't provided him with a trip to a medibay, though, so it looked like he was going to have to tough it out.
The guards provide security for 65,000 tenants in 35 high-rise buildings and 1,000 townhouses.
Finally, my guards provided me with information that I didn't already know.
A 1,800-member guard provides security for the president.
Do the guards provide you with sufficient food for your health?
The district court found that the government had mishandled the case by using tainted statements the guards provided in the initial investigation.
The guards provide a way for telling which clauses are not be considered at all.
Benlo's guards provided the flock with a right of way that other drovers must envy.
Further, unlike a firewall a guard provides assurance that it is effective in providing this control even under attack and failure conditions.
The guards highlight the ends of steps and also provide a nonslip surface.