The Texas Education Agency specified that the parental guardians of students zoned to a school with uniforms may apply for a waiver to opt-out of the uniform policy.
Similarly, a parent or guardian may apply to have an infant made a ward of court if such an order would protect the infant's property from his own possible rash activities.
In case of illness of any student, absence fine is excused if legal guardians apply to the authority.
The Texas Education Agency specifies that the parents and/or guardians of students zoned to a school with uniforms may apply for a waiver to opt out of the uniform policy so their children do not have to wear the uniforms.
Your assistance will help parents and guardians apply for coverage on behalf of their eligible, uninsured children.
A: Parents, grandparents, and legal guardians can apply for Medicaid and CHIP on behalf of a child.
A parent or guardian can always apply for a s8 order in the course of care proceedings.
Parents or guardians usually can apply for blind or disabled children under age 18.
Mr. Bookstaver said a lawyer who is barred from serving as a guardian can apply to the courts for reinstatement.
In the wake of that incident, the girl's court-appointed legal guardian applied to return the girl to the adoptive mother.