The 1955 war began when Southern army officers mutinied and then formed the Anya-Nya guerilla movement.
Until 1949, he organized a guerilla movement against the Chinese Guomindang which expanded military influence in Kham.
They were the core of the guerilla movement in Manila.
It remained closed throughout the Japanese Occupation, as its head had joined the guerilla movement.
By 1972, the guerilla movement was said to be crushed.
When the Second World War broke out, Viga become the center of guerilla movement in the province.
It is stated that the Black Tower members are still trying to resist with an underground guerilla movement.
Mao considered terrorism to be part of forming a guerilla movement.
The guerilla movement he led was operated by the regional party cells.
Despite this, the armed conflict was brief, mostly because the Zapatistas did not try to gain traditional political power like many other guerilla movements.