In recent weeks, the guerrillas have made vital roads temporarily impassible.
Meanwhile, nine guerrillas made their way towards the crash site, and reached it at about 17:45.
When he had run a rural clinic, guerrillas made him fly to a village and ride overnight on horseback to the jungle.
Chechnya, the rebel republic where the guerrillas have made their base, long ago slipped out of Moscow's control.
Indeed, the guerrillas might make a diversionary attack to draw attention from the logistics or other vulnerable operation.
But for reasons not yet clear, the guerrillas made no attempt to prevent or delay reinforcements from rushing to the two cities.
The winds, biting cold, compel the guerrillas to make it a nonstop march.
Bandits and guerrillas made war that way; civilized nations did not.
United Nations officials said the guerrillas have made a few attacks on the retreating Soviet forces.
He said the guerrillas had made the world understand that "Kashmir is a nuclear flashpoint."