Army has only limited success in subduing guerrilla offensive in southwest.
There was no mention, for example, of the 2,000 people who died as a result of the senseless guerrilla offensive in November 1989.
The guerrilla offensive, in contrast, displays no clear short-term objective.
Down the block civilians were burning a body that had rotted in the gutter since the first moments of the guerrilla offensive.
These errors sealed the fate of the guerrilla offensive from the outset.
The six priests were slain 14 months ago during a guerrilla offensive.
Are those fighters now mounting a guerrilla offensive?
Diplomats said the combined forces had failed to push back a guerrilla offensive from the mountains.
The death toll was at least 56 in the first significant guerrilla offensive in the country in nearly two decades.
Mexicans were astonished by the uprising, the first significant guerrilla offensive in the country in nearly two decades.