Inspired by the actions of the Vietcong, he began employing his own guerrilla squads to infiltrate South Korea, spread propaganda, and commit sabotage.
In the only two fatal incidents over the last four months, a car packed with dynamite exploded prematurely in December, killing seven people here, including the guerrilla squad.
In 1983, Sudhakar Reddy moved to the Eturnagaram-Mahadevpur forest in north Telangana as commander of a guerrilla squad.
The army said an Israeli patrol spotted the guerrilla squad about 100 yards from the border fence, just north of Kafr Yuval, at about 4:30 A.M.
In 1863, he was identified as a member of a guerrilla squad that operated in Clay County.
An Israeli military spokesman said the Israeli troops had opened fire on a guerrilla squad adjacent to a structure where United Nations soldiers were stationed.
The guerrilla squad was en route to attack Israeli targets, an official said.
"Cartoon trades" are rapid musical exchanges; "guerrilla squads" are small groups that can momentarily commandeer the proceedings.
The paramilitary movement vowed to resist the Government and publish manuals on forming underground guerrilla squads.
Soon Kozara would discover the members of his crew missing on the holodeck and those the guerrilla squad had hidden away back in that janitorial closet.