I have heard him labeled a Communist and a guerrilla sympathizer but never an accomplice to abuses of human rights.
The Amnesty law required the release of all prisoners suspected of being guerrillas and guerrilla sympathizers.
At first, the pro-Moscow Chechen police officials said 11 guerrilla 'sympathizers' were detained and two insurgents killed in fighting.
The victims included guerrilla sympathizers, labor union leaders, intellectuals, students and other vaguely defined "enemies of the government."
In the past, the armed forces often massacred a dozen or more suspected guerrilla sympathizers at once.
Many civilians outside the camps, in what came to be known as the "Luwero triangle," were blamed for being guerrilla sympathizers and were treated accordingly.
Made up of gunmen hired by landowners, drug traffickers, former guerrillas or retired policemen, they seek out guerrilla sympathizers.
Colombian officials say their tactics have included massacres of alleged guerrilla sympathizers and collaborators.
Militant students have turned the University of El Salvador into an outpost for guerrilla sympathizers.
Plaintiffs and witnesses recalled how the armed forces hunted down civilians suspected of being guerrilla sympathizers.