That was a guess based on his description of their reaction to hunters.
"But my guess, based on all-too-brief experience, is that this exquisite young woman knows exactly what she is doing."
Even this was merely an educated guess, based upon the strength of the radar echo.
Navigation, especially in cloudy weather, was often an informed guess based on assumed speed and direction.
He is between twenty five and thirty at a guess based upon his natural tones.
The most intriguing recent guess, based on a few Google experiments, is free wireless Internet service.
I'll make a guess based on what he did when he learned there was an unexplained 18*-minute gap on one of the Nixon tapes.
That the wagon was drawn by mules rather than horses was but a shrewd guess based upon observation.
"We can make some pretty good guesses, based on what they've done before," Pinch said condescendingly.
His actual date of death is nothing more than a guess based on the last fact.