As her guests filed past, they touched her hand as though it were an idol's, and certain to bring good luck.
The young couple sat on a dais, garlanded and cold, while the guests filed past dropping rupees into their laps.
A baker friend showed up with the bread containing the place settings, just as guests were filing in.
The guests filed through a small study in shifts, as he screened the six-minute film again and again.
The guests filed into the parlor, four of them deciding on a game of cards.
The guests were filing into the air car.
The few guests who had been in their rooms were filing into the hallway to see what was happening.
At 8 p.m., guests filed back to the theater to watch the awards ceremony.
Before the ceremony, one tall, gorgeous guest after another filed in; it was as if there had been an exodus from the Ford Models agency.
Mrs. Ribicoff said as the guests filed in for dinner.