The last place the guests head to is the groom's house, which is where the dancing component begins.
When leaving the dressing rooms the guests headed to the smaller ballroom.
The President and guests would head immediately for the fishing ponds after arriving at camp.
As the guests headed for the lobby, people escaping from the north tower were also flooding into the same lobby.
By 1:30 A.M., when the last guests finally headed for the door, Jay looked uncharacteristically cranky.
After about an hour, the guests headed for a buffet table filled with salad, tamales, pasta, fried chicken and mysterious chili sauce.
The additional drug in the alcohol was quite tasteless, and the guests all headed back to their alcove beds.
The couple, their 90 guests and a mariachi band headed toward Strawberry Fields, where they all looked for a sunny spot to get married.
Other guests with Grays were all around heading the same way.
After the concert, teachers, parents, children and guests headed for a reception at the Protestant Portadown College.