Most often, guests will present gifts of money, clothes, or gold rings to the parents for the child at this time.
In February 2010 he guest presented an episode of Blue Peter 12 years after auditioning for the show.
Now came the time when each guest presented the wedding tribute, in the form of a work of art, recitation, or musical composition.
When guests present this card to an usher, they will be seated accordingly.
Even the dinner's host and its guest of honor presented a cross-party image.
Price occasional reports and guest presents on Blue Peter following the 2011 revamp.
All guests must present a credit card on checking in.
On arrival, the host said: "Gentlemen, show your wines," and the guests presented their bottles for each other's approval.
On the show, guests themselves presented and argued small claims civil actions before the "judge".
The guests present their views on media-related issues, such as popular culture, political communication and media in the developing world.