The guests sang loudly, if not particularly well, and everyone drank a good deal.
For $35 a person, guests may eat, dance and sing along with the records of their favorite crooner.
However, guests often sing or play an instrument for the newlyweds.
In the middle of the interviews, before a commercial break, the musical guest will often sing one of their own songs.
It is appreciated if foreign guests can say a few words in Māori and sing a song they are familiar with as a group.
- and guests will still sing enchanting songs for their supper.
In many cases the guest also sings a song with the four hosts in the end of the show.
I hope my guests will sing Goldfadn's songs about living, loving and drinking wine.
She sings a chorus of the song and gets the enthusiastic guests to sing along with her.
The guests sing "It's said that a wedding is due to take place!"