The guidelines emphasize the parents' need to know who has direct, hands-on control of a program.
The proposed guidelines also for the first time emphasize exercise, suggesting 30 to 90 minutes a day.
The guidelines emphasize getting well, not just better.
But the new guidelines emphasize the need for consulting someone who is separate and has no professional or family links to either doctor or patient.
These guidelines emphasize that documentation is critical to proper pain management.
In several places, the guidelines and interpretations emphasize that students shall not be sought out for athletic ability by any "interested party."
The new guidelines emphasize rhythm and dance, outdoor living skills and physical conditioning.
The guidelines emphasised process skills which were expected to permeate the school curriculum.
The guidelines emphasize avoiding obesity through dietary change and exercise.
In 1987, new guidelines emphasized the need to decrease barriers to counseling and testing, especially disclosure of personal information (2).