I have never met a more gullible person than Sinead.
Even the most gullible person aboard could see that the mysterious firmament was not made of jewels floating in the heavens.
A popular test of gullibility is to tell a friend that the word gullible isn't in "the" dictionary; a gullible person might respond "Really?"
However, this "study" surely doesn't prove it by even a long shot, and it would take quite the gullible person to just accept these findings.
I don't like to consider myself a tremendously gullible person, but I may have to reassess my thinking on that score.
Is this a gullible person persuaded yo be a suicide bomber by some Islamic terrorist cleric who protects their own children?
They may delude a gullible person of weak judgment into being so convinced of their truth as to lose touch with reality.
Finns do love to put on when they spot a gullible person.
But Paul had answered so quickly and loudly that even the most gullible person in the world would have known he was lying.
The priests who were looking for a victim to sacrifice were skilled at luring gullible persons out of their houses.