Some people apply folic acid directly to the gum for treating gum infections.
Preventive dental care during chemotherapy and radiation therapy can reduce the risk of mouth, tooth, and gum infections.
Similarly, in gum infection, periodontal bacteria may enhance the virulence of herpesvirus.
Having diabetes can make you less able to fight off infection, including gum infections that can lead to serious gum disease.
These are bacterial gum infections that destroy gum tissue and supporting bone that hold your teeth in place.
Without this surgery, two rows of teeth will form which can cause gum infections, bad breath and prevent the permanent adult set from coming forward.
Since gum infections have been associated with preterm births, keeping your mouth healthy is important.
Answer: My first reaction would be that the spitting out a lot of blood is a sign of severe gingivitis or gum infection.
The next stage of gum disease is periodontitis, or gum infection.
Bacteria from the gum infection enter the blood, possibly causing the body to produce more clotting factors.