In fact, our goal should be to reduce the murder rate, not the number of gun deaths.
Handguns account for the vast majority of gun deaths each year.
Canada, for example, had fewer than 200 gun deaths in 1997, while the United States had 10,000.
By contrast, the United States had 26,800 gun deaths in 2000.
I read somewhere that there are 30,000 gun deaths a year in the US.
Most gun deaths in America are the result of suicide, not homicide.
But consider the cost: 29,000 gun deaths in America each year.
The rate of gun deaths and suicides among our children is more than twice that o$ other countries.
No, lawmakers are not rushing through legislation to cut down on the 29,000 gun deaths a year.
Because some minority groups have relatively fewer gun deaths, they don't appear in a daily tally.